Archives for May, 2016

KOH mount preparation: principle, procedure and observation

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) mount is a very useful test for the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infection of tissues especially skin, hair and nails. KOH separates the fungal elements from intact cells as it digests the protein debris and dissolves cement substances that holds the keratinized cells together and makes it easy to visualize under the […]

Virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Alginate: It is a capsular polysaccharide that allows the infecting bacteria to adhere to lung epithelial cell surface and form biofilms which protects the bacteria from antibiotics and body’s immune system. Pilli: It is a surface appendage that allow adherence of the bacteria to GM -1 ganglioside receptor on host epithelial surface Neuraminidase: It removes […]