
1. Microbesinfo.com has been exclusively designed by me using wordpress theme and I haven’t got any funding from any person or institution for this purpose.
2.The contents expressed in microbesinfo.com are sole mine and do not reflect those of my working institution. My working institute is not responsible or connected in any way for the contents posted in this website.
3.The information about microorganisms, their pathogenesis and laboratory diagnostic procedures are collected from many textbooks, journals or material available freely on the internet on different sites. Proper reference has been cited whenever possible.
4.The information presented in the website is only for academic purposes and must not be used for the purpose of treatment. If you are not feeling well, please consult with your physician.
5.Certain pictures presented in the website are taken from textbooks and other website and I have given all credit to the original authors/website whenever possible.
6.Violation of copyright or breach any intellectual property rights is against my ethics. If you find any content, picture, diagram etc in this site is violating your copyright law, please let me know at (microbesinfo.com@gmail.com), I will remove it promptly.
7.Lastly, I want to acknowledge to all the scientists, researchers, websites, authors of text books of microbiology whose views are expressed either directly or indirectly in this website.

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